made an envelope instead of buying one
- matched the aesthetic more
- didn’t want to have to buy in bulk when i only needed one
- really happy with how it turned out
- forgot how much I like origami
set up my work station
- coffee table in front of the window
- foam core background
- mounted tripod with DSLR camera
shot the envelope coming in already opened
- originally planned on it being closed with wax but this would have been a complicated process for a mediocre result
- i’d rather it be simpler and look better than complicated and mediocre
shot the paper coming out and unfolding
- the shadows were stressing me out in the process
shot the full title cards
- letters stuck on with mounting putty
- game changer in collage
- moving things around!
took one letter out at a time
- reversed the frames in editing
- more reliable than putting them down
- less of a chance of things moving around
- simpler = better in stop motion creation
photography thoughts
- glare was stressing me out
- kittens helped me out
- remembered that it is not going to be perfect
- but it will be special to me - glare, cat hair and all
changed the dimensions of the photos
- making them smaller so my computer doesn’t crash
- 1920 x 1280
edited them in Light Room
- turned the exposure up so they would be brighter
- the natural light is nice but it was a little too dark with the snow
- also it changes throughout filming
- i might need to rent or buy a lighting set up
imported them to photoshop each in their own layer
made them into an frame animation and adjusted the layer time