I did not expect the demo to be helpful but it was so helpful omg. I feel reinvigorated about my project and am so excited to make it better based off of the feedback I recieved during my demo.
- transition from perfection collage to colorful collage
- confusing
- loses the audience
- more words in perfection collage
- overlay words to black → reverse and then rip up
- black space at the end
- add in credits
- cut out in magazine letters… (IF TIME)
- made on after effects
- music
- special shouts
- end letter
- make colorful?
- spit out perfection (ripped up) and add in new
- address the letter to myself
- picture of myself is the stamp
- remove “the end”
- growth is always continuing
- “sincerely, Nancy”
- “sincerely, your imperfect self”
- “imperfect and proud”
- lots of photos of my self and self portrarits
- build SLOW to FAST
- slow → unsure of self
- fast → confident, smooth
- remake perfection collage
- transition between perfection and colorful
- slow down
- sketch in each color
- each piece of the colorful collage moves in?
- write in words related to the color and childhood innocence/fearless creating associate with each color
- red → “red, cherry, love, fire, confident…”
- have characters move around → interact with the words
- zoom out to show all of the colors
- transition between colors and final
- zoom out to show all of the colors
- [ ] add more words to perfection collage
- each letter (not full words like “should”)
- “freak out”
- “right, wrong, right, wrong”
- “could’ve”
- “should’ve”